A New Life Christian Counselors features a Low Fee (Sliding Scale: $30-$60/session) counseling program through our Masters Level, supervised Counseling Interns. Click a profile below to learn more about a specific Counselor Intern.
Counseling Interns
jacob sparkowich
"I believe healing and flourishing in life happens in the context of relationship, with counseling being a means of relational healing. I practice from a biblical worldview, believing that one's relationship with and identity in Christ is the ultimate source of true and lasting healing."
"I desire to walk humbly alongside others in any stage of their process of dealing with grief and loss. I hope to bless those I work with by coming alongside them in the journey I have had to walk through, as well."
"I am grateful for the opportunity to utilize my passion and experience to come alongside others in order to support, encourage, guide, and help in their healing journey with Christ."